1tbs olive oil
Half white onion, finely chopped
8-10cm piece of chorizo, skin off cut into small cubes (5mm)
Pinch of chilli flakes
Half a 180g tub of Philadelphia (cream cheese)
4 large handfuls of spinach
180g of pasta (something like Cava Tappi or Fusilli)
Put a pan of water on to boil for the pasta
Heat the olive oil in wide frying pan on #6 (green Le Creuset is best) and add a large pinch of salt and fry the onion. After a few minutes add the chorizo and fry until cooked (don’t let the onion brown, add more oil if necessary).
Cook the pasta as soon as the water is boiling.
Chop the spinach and wash thoroughly and add to the pan with the onions and chorizo and stir until wilted. Add the cream cheese and chilli flakes and stir with the heat off.
Drain the pasta and add to the pan with the spinach mix. Grate in around 2tbs of parmesan and season and stir.
Serve with a little more parmesan.
(The spinach could be replaced with any greens like chopped kale or chard and the cream cheese could be replaced with feta but if using feta retain a couple of tbs pasta cooking water to stir in to loosen the sauce).
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